Home Media Another dubious distinction national media moment for Lexington

Another dubious distinction national media moment for Lexington

by Wes Keltner
So every night before I drift off to sleepytime, I check over my RSS feeds. One feed that I scan through is the Google News reader so I can see what’s going on around the world. I clicked on the “entertainment” portion of Google News and began reading. Here’s what I saw: msnbc.msn.com/id/28461463

First of all, why am I seeing DUI arrests in the entertainment column, when movie stars aren’t involved? Second, why would Google News even pick this story up? It’s just little ol’ Lexington. Why is that newsworthy? Third question: Is 18 DUI arrests a lot for New Year’s Eve? I mean is that why it’s newsworthy, because 18 is really high?

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