Over the past three decades, Ace has invited the incoming Mayor and Council to contribute an essay to our “What Lexington Needs” space that began as an Ace tradition in the 80s.
What Lexington Needs: A Women’s Monument
By 9th District Council Member Jennifer Mossotti
Lexington needs a monument to celebrate the remarkable history of women in Lexington and Fayette County, to be in place in a prominent downtown location in 2020 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment —and to demonstrate support for women’s contributions and the continuing empowerment of all women in our community, serving as a source of inspiration and encouragement to all citizens.
Across the country there is a growing movement to recognize noteworthy women and their historical contributions through public monuments. Unfortunately, less than 7% of the 5,193 monuments in the United States presently recognize women.
In Lexington, there are none.
and more.
Our failure to publicly honor such women obscures our city’s and our nation’s history and narrows the vision of our youth.
This essay will also appear in a February 2019 print edition of Ace.
Jennifer Mossotti served four terms representing the 9th district from 1998 to 2004, and again beginning in 2012 through the present (recently re-elected in 2018). For the past 15 years, she has been a professional real estate agent, both residential and commercial. She has been awarded the Fayette County Neighborhood Council’s Neighborhood Hero Award.
The 9th District includes Jessie Clark Middle School, Stonewall Elementary, Wellington Elementary, Shillito Park, Wellington Park, Stonewall Park, Higbee Mill Park, Clemens Park, Southpoint Park, Waverly Park, Waveland Museum, Fayette Mall, Lexington Green, and Fire Station #15.
About ‘What Lexington Needs’
Thirty years ago, Ace began including a regular feature from our readers titled, “What Lexington Needs.” A diverse array of local leaders — from artists and architects, to bankers and business owners, and elected officials of every stripe and party — participated over the decades.
As Ace celebrates its 30th anniversary this year, the forum is re-opened! Anyone can contribute. Essays are typically 500 words or less, and the most important criteria is that the writer be passionate about what they believe Lexington needs.
Do you have ideas about What Lexington Needs? Share them! Email 500 words or less to acelist at aceweekly dot com. Include a photo and a sentence or two about yourself.
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