Home Ace's Daily Lexington Photo Ace Daily Photo 8.15.2013 Actors Guild Premieres Walter May’s Gone Astray

Ace Daily Photo 8.15.2013 Actors Guild Premieres Walter May’s Gone Astray

Lauren Albert is destined for big things as Alison.


Ace Daily Photo: Walter May’s Gone Astray Premieres at Actors Guild 

Opening Night

Pictured: Lauren Virginia Albert plays Alison in Walter May’s Gone Astray.

Gone Astray is an all-local production at Lexington’s Actors Guild. Written by Walter May, and directed by Actors Guild’s artistic director, Eric Seale. (May and Seale also star in the show, along with Lauren Albert, Marshall Manley, and Julieanne Pogue.) It premiered at  Actors Guild on Thursday, August 15.  The run ends on August 25.

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