When and Where are Easter Services for Lexington KY 2022?
Easter Sunday falls late this year, on Sunday, April 17, but Easter Holiday festivities kicked off as early as April Fool’s Day this year. You can click here for central Kentucky area Easter programming, events, and shopping options. If you plan to be starving after Easter church services, you can click here for a sampling of Ace’s 2022 Easter Dining Directory.
Below is a sampling of Easter services for Lexington KY 2022. As always, confirm all programming with the venue and organizers before planning to attend. Dates and times are always subject to change in accordance with evolving community guidelines.
Easter at Ashland Avenue Baptist Church will host services at Reynolds Road at 10 am on Easter Sunday.
Calvary Baptist on High invites guests to an 8:30 am Easter service in the fellowship hall, or 11 am in the Sanctuary.
Central Christian Church is a founding Disciples of Christ congregation serving in the heart of Lexington. Central Christian will host two Easter Sunday worship services — each with brass, Chancel Choir, and “the joyous proclamation of Jesus’s resurrection.”
Crossroads Christian will host a Sunrise Service at 7 am, and an Easter Sunday Service at 10 am.
After Saturday night’s 7 pm Easter Vigil, the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd in Lexington will offer a 7:45 am, 9 am, 11:15 am and 5 pm in-person services. (The 11:15 am service will be in person, and also available online.)
Elevate Christian Church meets at Lexington Christian Academy and will host Easter services at 10:30 am on Easter morning.
LexCity Church at 410 Sporting Court will host 10 and 11:30 am services on Easter morning.
Maxwell Street Presbyterian will offer 8 am outdoor worship at the mausoleum at Lexington Cemetery and will serve hot cross buns in the fellowship hall at 9:30 am, followed by a 10:30 am Easter Service with Communion.
Hamburg’s Mt. Calvary Mission Baptist Church is offering 8:30 am and 11 am services on Easter Sunday morning.
NorthEast Christian Church in Hamburg will offer Easter Sunday services at 9:30 am and 11 am.
After Saturday night’s 9 pm Easter Vigil, Pax Christi Catholic Church will offer sunrise mass at 6:45 am; mass at 8:30 am; an Easter Egg Hunt at 9:45 am; and an 11 am mass.
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church will host 7 am and 9 am and 11:15 services. The 9 am mass will be live streamed.
Saint Luke at Alumni invites guests “to worship the Risen Savior on Sunday, April 17! Traditional Worship in Sanctuary: 8:20am & 11:00am Contemporary Worship in the Gym: 9:30am Swahili Language worship in Sanctuary: 1:00pm.”
After Saturday night’s 6:30 pm Easter Vigil, St. Michael’s Episcopal Church will offer Easter Sunday morning services at 8:30 am and 10:30 am with the Holy Eucharist and a reception following both services. St. Michael’s was built on the “holy hill” of southeast Lexington in 1955. Today they worship in a thriving neighborhood that includes the Arboretum, Trader Joe’s, Landsdowne Center and Ramsey’s.
After Saturday night’s 7 pm vigil, Historic St. Paul Roman Catholic Church will celebrate mass at 8 am and 10 am on Easter Sunday 2022.
South Elkhorn Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) offers a 9 am and 11 am service on Sunday April 17.
Southland Church’s Easter Services are at 9:30 am and 11:15 am (online Sunday at 10 am and 11:30 am). No 5 pm Sunday Service at Lexington Campus.
Need more Easter Activities?
For a comprehensive sampling of 2022 Easter Dining Options in Lexington and central Kentucky, click Ace Magazine’s annual Easter Dining Directory here.
To advertise your events and programming in Ace Magazine, both print and digital, call 859.225.4889 for information.